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Pastor TacosWe’ve been working hard to bring you a better experience and a new Taco Madness Menu at Pueblo Viejo Mexican Restaurant in Porter, Texas. It will include some favorite Mexican Street Tacos most of us know about from the taco trucks we have visited at one point. We’re bringing the taco trucks indoors and in a cool environment instead of being outdoors in the heat. What a better way to eat the Mexican Street Tacos right?

For the next few weeks we’ll be trying out our new Taco Madness Menu to see what you think. At the moment, the new menu has been very popular and our clients have given us very positive feedback. So please keep giving us feedback about our Mexican Street Tacos to see if we can improve, modify or even add more selection to the Taco Madness Menu. We would love to hear your opinion as this will help us bring you a better experience at our Porter, Texas location. After all, it is your place to eat at and your hang out place close to home. We want to make sure you are happy and feel right at home with our friendly service and delicious Mexican food we provide.

If you try one of our tacos please let us know what you think or what other tacos or platters you would like us to add to our menus.

Take a look at our Taco Madness Menu

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